Modifications of co-operation

Modifications of co-operation

This web-site designed for beginners and skilled traders on Forex Market. Daily forecasts for three pairs of currency appear prior to others. Our distinguishing features are exact entry orders, specified value of loss and profit limitation. We have forecasting aegis and deserved trust in IG Market.


Our history

Modifications of co-operation

Terms of setting orders

About paid subscription



Company's News



Modifications of co-operation

ABN Corporation invites to the co-operation investors on parity terms: profit divides into parts 35% to 65%.

The trade terms provide two main modifications:

- The opening by the investor his own account in IG Markets and the providing to ABN assignation for management account’s operations.

As the practice shows, a minimum deposit in 20 000 USD allows to work with portfolio of three pairs of currency.

We don’t limit You by those modifications, it is possible an individual approach in the choosing of the scheme of the co-operation, which would be optimal for all interested parties.





You could get information about IG Markets here:

IG Markets

We introduce a new service – the paid subscription for three pairs of currency, which has been working smoothly since August the 1st. To the client we provide the on-line access by password to the page “Today’s forecast”, also fresh forecasts are sent out to subscribers, in 23.30-00.30 GMT by e-mail, SMS and ICQ. It means that You are trading by yourself, only using our forecasting distribution.

If You are interested in our co-operation and ready to place assets jointly for the work under our forecasting or trusting aegis - please contact us.

This site desing by Miracle LbcGroup. All rights reserved. © 2003.